March 10, 2011

Goals and Choices

I'd say my ultimate goal in terms of my health would be to naturally make good choices *most* of the time. I want to be one of those people that puts the fork down when I start feeling full. I want to not have a cookie, just because it's there. I want to order a sandwich with a side salad and not feel sad that I'm not getting the french fries. (I ♥ french fries) I could go on and on.

This week, I've been doing that... for the most part. I've been making good choices, and honestly not thinking about it very much. I've had some stressful days, and yet still managed to come home and make vegetables, as opposed to using that as an excuse to over indulge. Don't ask me how I'm doing this, because it's not my natural nature. I'm just hoping it continues.


  1. Every day I start with the thought that I'm going to make the right choices. I do at work because I bring my food and its what I have to eat. I don't usually deviate. It's once I get home and DON'T have a plan and then make bad choices. You're probably thinking, "Well, why don't you just make a meal plan?" Good question.

  2. I would agree. I don't necessarily have a plan, but I will think about it during the day or on my way home. I will try to at least come up with something good I could have. I can't say I never throw out the plan for what is easier to grab, but it helps if I think ahead!
