March 7, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday....

Last night I drank a pop (Dr. Pepper 10 - really good!) too late in the evening (man, I'm becoming old!) so when I laid down at about midnight I wasn't even remotely tired.  So after about 30 minutes of tossing and turning and pondering all the things I could be doing since I wasn't sleeping I decided to get up and make my lunch for the next day.  Usually, if I don't make the lunch at night I won't bring anything in the morning.  I'm a "sleep as long as I can push it" girl.  So I got up and made breakfast and lunch and did the dishes and played around on the computer a bit until I felt tired enough to finally fall asleep (about 2am).  So I'm a bit tired today but not too bad.  I brought some Sugar Free (SF) Apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal (really tasty!), half of a banana, and coffee with SF French Vanilla non-dairy creamer for breakfast.   225 calories.  I've been using to keep track of my food.  I started it forever ago and I find that I don't want to cancel it because I have so much food I have manually entered on the site that it sounds exhausting to do it again somewhere else - but maybe when I get a fancy phone like Meghan. :)  So, I'm working on keeping the calories around 1200.  Apparently my healthy lunch cost me 534 calories (plain pulled pork we made in crockpot, mustard, light wheat hot dog bun, light key lime yogurt, celery/carrots.  Man. That's alot of calories for all that healthy stuff.  It has to be the pulled pork that's killing it.  So in order to lose 1.5lbs/week I have 475 calories left over today.  Which, isn't bad.  My ONE goal today is to make it to the gym.  I don't care how long I work out, I just want to get there.  My reward is to use the steam sauna.  Ahhhhh!  I can feel the muscles relaxing as I write this.


  1. Seriously jealous of the sauna. If you are going to the gym, you need the protein for it's all good.

  2. Well, you could do that two month thing! Well, no need to be jealous. I didn't go. I have no good excuse. Try again harder tomorrow.
